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Country Chinese Taipei
Award Winner
Affiliation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Designer Huang Ya-Yun, Chen Nai-Xuan
Description(English) The Olympics is held every 4 years and highly valued by the world, but it was cancelled by the 2020 pandemic, causing regrets and losses. Pandemic prevention posters use illustrations to present interesting phenomena of the 2020 Olympics. They include sports events and pandemic prevention tips to create a fun vibe of design and colors. The interlinked five-color circles symbolize the unity of the 5 continents. In the posters, the logo of the 5 continents keeps social distance.
Description(Native) 4年一次奧運賽事,為全世界共同重視的活動,卻在2020無情的疫情風暴下宣布停辦,造成許多惋惜及損失。而疫照辦理系列海報,以插畫手法呈現2020奧運賽事如期舉辦後種種有趣的現象,每張海報皆以各項運動賽事內容結合防疫口訣表現,藉由構圖及色彩來營照出既幽默又歡快的氛圍,如劍術結合防疫距離,說明室內社交距離1.5公尺,繪製閃躲姿態展現有趣防疫畫面,並將劍轉換為量尺進行距離測量,還包含消毒、戴口罩、溫度測量等防疫知識的海報,以及最後將口罩的階級劃分以頒獎典禮互相呼應,而互相鏈結的五色環原意象徵世界五大洲之團結,疫照辦理系列中的LOGO將五大洲保持防疫距離。疫照辦理系列海報以風趣的手法讓2020奧運有不同的面貌。
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  1. Beachbuddy

  2. LITTL-L1

  3. ASR-Automatic simple respirator

  4. extand headlamp

  5. Forest Guardian

  6. Dandelion Seed

  7. Wearable Monitoring Infusion Equipment


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