Country | China |
Award | Gold |
Affiliation | Liaoning Shihua University |
Designer | Menghua Wang, Lei Wang, Yu Jiang, Zhe Li, Zhaohong Qin |
Description(English) | In recent years, mountaineering has become a healthy and challenging sport. Enthusiasts began to expand the difficult mountaineering environment, so the requirements of mountaineering equipment are high. The handle part of "mutual aid stick" is in the form of triangle, which provides climbers with two holding methods, and increases the function of lighting. The two climbing sticks are spliced together to realize hand-in-hand to help the weak team members. In case of sudden danger, it can act as a rope to pull teammates up from the steep mountain wall. |
Description(Native) | 登山杖是从事登山运动时必不可少的辅助器械,主要功能是提高步行的稳定性,减轻腿部的负担。近年来,登山运动越来越受到大众的喜爱,成为一种健康而又有挑战性的运动。很多爱好者开始拓展有难度的登山环境,因此对登山装备的选择非常严格。登山杖是登山运动的必备产品,应该根据其使用方式积极拓展新功能。“MUTUAL AID STICK”是一款具备链接功能的登山杖,把手部分采用三角形的形式,给登山者提供了两种持握的方式,拓展使用环境,并且增加照明的功能,便于昏暗环境使用,将两个登山杖拼接在一起,拧紧旋钮,在保证强度的基础上延长了手臂的长度,实现手拉手的方式,帮助登山过程中体力不支的队员。突发危险情况,同样可以最大限度的伸长充当绳索的功能,将队友从陡峭的山壁下拉上来。 |
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Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin