

Slap LUZ

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Country China Hong Kong
Award Winner
Affiliation Fail design house
Designer Fai leung
Description(English) 'Slap LUZ ' is a portable device which can be standard light, flashing light, or camping light. And that, when Slap LUZ is in plain shape , it will absorb solar energy by solar panel , once the user slap it , it will automatically turn on the light. It is also use the wireless charging platform to recharge the battery.Slap LUZ based on ' Multi ' idea of use and flexibility were a trend for product development direction which the product can apply/use for various outdoor activities. It lets the user carry less equipment and more convenience when they go out.
Description(Native) 拍燈是一結合時尚與多功能的燈 ,它可以用作跑步手臂燈 , 閱讀照明燈 , 露型照明燈或夜照明燈 . 另它可以用多氣氛燈 ! 它放平時利用太陽能屏吸收能源 , 當卷曲時便可使用. 拍拍多用途燈放平時利用太陽能屏吸收能源 , 當卷曲時使用3D 感應器開動 . 另外它運用軟身電池,軟身太陽和軟身LED 片做成一體化 . 外殼物料主要用上矽膠,此物料內用,放便清洗同時它在泥土分解時,對環境沒化成污染. 拍拍多用途燈原用功能多樣化 , 簡化和放便使用者作出發點 ! 它解決了露營人事需要帶備很多不同的燈,又重又大件 . 現只需拍拍多用途燈 , 這令露營人事又方便又捨服 !讓用戶可以方便地在不同的環境中使用,適合不同的活動
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