Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2017 |
Affiliation | Cheng Shiu University |
Designer | Hsueh-Fen, Lin, Chai-Yi, Chen, Yu-Zhen, Chen, Yi-Ying, Huang, Ji-Rong, Chou |
Description(English) | The design process of identity introduces the iceberg concept, which remains somewhat concealed and revealed. The theme of 2016 graduate exhibition is “Ning,” which, in Chinese, signifies multiple meanings such as “cohesion,” “condensation,” or “gaze.” The major visual illustration is an iceberg. Students’ four-year learning experience, like the city submerged beneath water. The graphs on the illustrations cover students’ strenuous works made from each divisions of the department. Students’ final achievement exhibition, like the iceberg above the water horizons, shines itself as the sun and water reflect with each other. |
Description(Native) | 該企業識別系統的設計過程注入了隱匿與顯露冰山的概念。2016年畢業展的主題為凝,「凝」具有凝結、凝聚、凝視多種解釋。主視覺插畫是一座冰山。學生們在校四年的學習歷程,如同隱匿在水面下的城市,插圖裡的圖像包含了展出各組的作品,以及各種學習的回憶。而顯露在水面上的冰山,在陽光、碧水映照下絢爛奪目,如同學生們學成後的最佳成果展現。 |
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin