Country | China |
Year | 2017 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Fine arts school affiliated to China centrol academy of fine arts |
Designer | Wu jinghan, Xu tiantian |
Description(English) | The paraplegic patients usually feel sad and hopeless due to the deterioration of their health. Especially for the families with kids. Most of patients only could move their head,So my design was a controller in the mouth. The patients could press the chip by their tongue and the Bluetooth will transmit the instruction to the APP on their phones. This product could help to satisfy the basic daily demand of the patient, such as control the wheelchair, turn on the light, change the TV channels, playing electronic games and so on. In the future, the controller could be designed as a terminal and connected to different APP by programming. |
Description(Native) | 这是一个针对于高位截瘫患者而设计的一个位于口腔内部的控制器,它可以帮助患者完成基本的生活所需. 主要原因是因为身体机能的下降而对生活失去希望。尤其是有孩子的家庭,他们大多因为无法很好地陪伴孩子而充满着消极情绪。这类患者从头部以下的身体都是失去知觉的,只有头部可以像正常人一样。所以这个设计是由口腔进行控制,这个产品的¬¬外部采用一种透明硅胶材质内部则使用塑料根据患者牙齿的形状进行定做起到了固定的作¬¬用,制作过程中将压感芯片,蓝牙以及电池分别排布在塑料外侧最外层由硅胶进行包裹。从而患者可以通过舌头按压芯片,通过蓝牙将指令传达给手机app,之后通过控制手机来控制身边的电子产品,并可以完成对于物品的基本指令,例如控制轮椅,灯的开关,电视节目的切换,电子游戏的控制等。这样在一定程度上也可以满足他们对于陪伴孩子的一些期望。这样的控制器将应用范围变得更为广泛,减少了控制的单一性。未来可以将此控制器作为一个终端机,通过编程将不同的应用程序与其进行串连,这样可以通过它帮助患者完成更多更难的命令,满足患者的更多的需求。 |
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