



Extra Form
Country CHINA
Year 2017
Designer Hengchang Su, Dianming Zhang, Mengbo Zhang, Xinyu Cao, Kun Xu
Description(English) This is quite different for this new type of trekking. Its tire is designed to be composed of spring modular. The tire works normally in good road condition without deformation. And when it runs on hilly ground, the tire would be deformed because the pressure is concentrate into a focus. Deformation of the spring module absorbs a large part of bumping energy and makes the tire touch with ground in a larger area. This increases both capability of damping and traction friction for the tire. This novel design is believed to bring great improvement to the tire performance.
Description(Native) 一辆越野自行车是否拥有良好的避震性能和抓地力至关重要。传统自行车的避震和抓地一般都是由车胎、前轮避震器、中间车身避震器的联合运作来实现的。而这款经过全新设计的自行车轮胎则完全不同,其特殊在它的轮胎是由一个个的弹性模块构成的。正常骑行状态时,由于轮胎材料的固有弹性设定,它不会发生任何形变;但当遇到崎岖的地面,异物的大部分阻挡力会集中于车胎的一点致使弹性支架发生形变并吸收一部分力量,同时弹性模块的整体内凹还会对异物进行部分的贴合,这样既起到缓震作用又起到提升抓地力的作用。如此颠覆性的设计,会给自行车车胎性能带来一次前所未有的提升。
Website www.dlnu.edu.cn
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  1. Bottle Uilization

  2. Poseidon

  3. Split into Two

  4. Magnetic Go

  5. Open-close Stretcher

  6. Rebirth

  7. Fire Escape Ladder

  8. Seek

  9. Reuse Children's Camera

  10. Split Forklift

  11. More and more complete

  12. Ship bottom-Cleaning guard

  13. Rescue Dog Assistant

  14. Energy pot cover

  15. Goliath Rescue Stent

  16. Dig Up the Ground

  17. Illuminate You

  18. Clever Hole

  19. Two in One

  20. Portable Track Detector

  21. A.N.T

  22. apron of paintbrush

  23. Changer

  24. Cushioning

  25. Easy Protection

  26. luggage assistant

  27. Snow Defender

  28. The time machine of hometown

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