

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2019
Designer XiaoqiMa, tangyuhang, RongfengZhang, DuXiaoyu, YanZhao
Description(English) In the event of earthquake, fire, avalanche and other natural disasters, the working mode in which rescue dogs are led to work with rescue workers will be limited by terrain and other factors The device, designed for rescue dogs, allows the dogs to search independently. During the mission, the rescue dog can set out on its own, quickly locate the trapped person and issue a barking alert. The Rescue Dog Assistant will identify this sound and send the present location information back to the rescue personnel and provide the fastest rescue route. Through Rescue Dog Assistant,rescue personnel can communicate with the trapped and check the scene.
Description(Native) 当地震、火灾、雪崩等灾害发生时,救援犬在救援行动中发挥着重要作用。它们可以准确定位被困人员的位置,并发出叫声,提醒与它们同行的搜救人员。 当搜救犬和人一起行动时,狗的机动性就会受到人的限制,无法以最快的速度搜索。同时,在确定了被困人员的位置后,搜救犬无法立即继续搜救,只能等待救援人员。 Rescue dog Assistant是为搜救犬设计的可穿戴设备,支持搜救犬单独进行搜索工作。 执行任务时,搜救犬可以独自出发,快速找到受困者并发出犬吠提示, Rescue Dog Assistant将识别该声音并将此时的位置信息回传给搜救人员并提供最快的救援路线。同时搜救人员可通过Rescue Dog Assistant与受困者通话并查看现场情况。Rescue Dog Assistant拥有符合狗身体结构的造型设计以及可调节松紧的卡扣,使不同品种和提醒的搜救犬佩戴之后都可以自如活动
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  1. Bottle Uilization

  2. Poseidon

  3. Split into Two

  4. Magnetic Go

  5. Open-close Stretcher

  6. Rebirth

  7. Fire Escape Ladder

  8. Seek

  9. Reuse Children's Camera

  10. Split Forklift

  11. More and more complete

  12. Ship bottom-Cleaning guard

  13. Rescue Dog Assistant

  14. Energy pot cover

  15. Goliath Rescue Stent

  16. Dig Up the Ground

  17. Illuminate You

  18. Clever Hole

  19. Two in One

  20. Portable Track Detector

  21. A.N.T

  22. apron of paintbrush

  23. Changer

  24. Cushioning

  25. Easy Protection

  26. luggage assistant

  27. Snow Defender

  28. The time machine of hometown

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