

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Designer WenqiLiu, MeihongLuo, ShutingMai, JiaRuiZhang
Description(English) This product consists of the parts of used phones, such as the processor, LCD screen, camera and so on. After unified recycling, it is packaged in corrugated cardboard and assembled into a camera. The smart phone that was originally scrapped is used again and becomes an environmentally-friendly children's toys, and it also tests the children's hands-on ability. Children could assemble and splicing according to the instructions by their own, experience the fun. And it could also solve the problem of recycling of the waste mobile phones, which has the advantages of multiple purposes.
Description(Native) 在这个日新月异的时代,每天都会有新的东西被创造,也都会有旧的东西被废弃,这其中有很多是电子产品,比如,你的旧手机。耗重金购买的心头好们,在更亮闪高能的新产品面世后很快失去宠爱。当不知拿这些旧爱如何是好时,可曾想过让它们改头换面重获新生,考虑到世界上每天数以万计的手机或被丢弃和销毁,但对于非洲一些贫困国家来说,这些被废弃的手机仍然有其利用价值。再利用儿童相机将废旧手机的处理器、LCD屏幕、摄像头等零件拆下来,经过统一回收后,用瓦楞纸板包装,组装成相机,原本要报废的智能手机就再次被利用起来,变成一款环保的儿童玩具,也考验了孩子们的动手能力,自己根据使用说明动手组装拼接,体验其带来的乐趣,寓教于乐,也解决了废旧手机的回收再利用的问题,一举多得。
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  1. Bottle Uilization

  2. Poseidon

  3. Split into Two

  4. Magnetic Go

  5. Open-close Stretcher

  6. Rebirth

  7. Fire Escape Ladder

  8. Seek

  9. Reuse Children's Camera

  10. Split Forklift

  11. More and more complete

  12. Ship bottom-Cleaning guard

  13. Rescue Dog Assistant

  14. Energy pot cover

  15. Goliath Rescue Stent

  16. Dig Up the Ground

  17. Illuminate You

  18. Clever Hole

  19. Two in One

  20. Portable Track Detector

  21. A.N.T

  22. apron of paintbrush

  23. Changer

  24. Cushioning

  25. Easy Protection

  26. luggage assistant

  27. Snow Defender

  28. The time machine of hometown

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