

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2021
Designer PengBai, SiLiu, RunzeZhang, FuBaoChen
Description(English) Open-close Stretcher is a new kind of stretcher which can prevent the casualty from secondary injury in the process of rescue operation. The stretcher merely splits the stretcher into the head and body of the two-part structure. The body part uses a scissors-like open-close structure that allows for the possibility of transferring a wounded person to a stretcher without moving position. During the stretcher rescue, the head should be gently placed on the stretcher. There is no need to vacate the patient's body during the process of moving, the second injury is avoided effectively.
Description(Native) 在灾害救援过程中,采用担架运送伤员是最常用的救援方式。“Open-close Stretcher”是一款可以最大限度防止救援过程中造成伤员二次伤害的新型担架。该担架没有改变传统担架的整体造型,仅仅是将担架拆分设计头部和身体两段式结构,身体部分则采用了类似剪刀的开合式结构,可以实现不移动伤员位置的情况下,将其转移到担架上的可能。担架救援过程中,首先需要将伤员的头部轻轻放在担架上,固定不动,承载身体部分的担架可以通过转轴一分为二,分别放置在伤员身体的两侧,然后慢慢的从身体两侧下方缓缓插入后,通过磁性卡扣实现定位、连接和固定。 该担架改变了原有担架转移伤员的方式,全程没有以往移动过程的大幅度挪动,无需腾空病人的身体,减轻了病人在转移过程中的痛苦,有效避免了二次伤害。
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  1. Bottle Uilization

  2. Poseidon

  3. Split into Two

  4. Magnetic Go

  5. Open-close Stretcher

  6. Rebirth

  7. Fire Escape Ladder

  8. Seek

  9. Reuse Children's Camera

  10. Split Forklift

  11. More and more complete

  12. Ship bottom-Cleaning guard

  13. Rescue Dog Assistant

  14. Energy pot cover

  15. Goliath Rescue Stent

  16. Dig Up the Ground

  17. Illuminate You

  18. Clever Hole

  19. Two in One

  20. Portable Track Detector

  21. A.N.T

  22. apron of paintbrush

  23. Changer

  24. Cushioning

  25. Easy Protection

  26. luggage assistant

  27. Snow Defender

  28. The time machine of hometown

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