


Water World

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Country China
Year 2017
Affiliation Dongguan GAFA Cultures and Creativity Institute
Designer Huang Wei, Ye Qiwen
Description(English) The bottom of the sea contains the most complex and meticulous structures in nature, The form of sea life is full of the perfect unity of art and nature, The natural order and symmetry of the aesthetic feelings, so that all the artificial art form would be cast into the shade...... The greatness of the creator is the geometric quality of beauty given every part of the organism. We are a sensitive heart, found that these seemingly complicated fine beauty, And the use of modern 3D printing technology, the natural beauty, bit by bit in every detail of this series...... In us, only the complex, can be vividly.
Description(Native) 海底世界神奇、美丽、迷人…… 海底,蕴藏着自然界中最繁复又最一丝不苟的各种构造, 海底生物的形态充满了艺术和自然界的完美统一, 那种天然的秩序与对称所带来的美感,令所有后天人造的艺术形态黯然失色…… 造物主的伟大之处在于,将美的几何特质赋于生物机体的每一个部分。 而我们,则是用敏感细腻的内心,发现这些看似细碎繁复的美感, 并且运用现代3D打印技术,把这些自然美,一点一点地表现在这个系列的每一个细节里面…… 于我们,唯有繁复,方可淋漓尽致。
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  1. Filter--Storage Box Series

  2. Water World

  3. Water World

  4. “Double Happiness” Matchbox

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