Year | 2017 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | Glocal Architecture Office |
Affiliation | Glocal Architecture Office |
Designer | Tsung-Hsien Wu |
Description(English) | This villa located in Keelung, derived its design theme from the historical Chinese painting Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains. We commissioned a renowned painter to recreate this national treasure on the walls of the living room and dinning room, the painting of Fuchun Mountains in the living room and the painting of Left mountain in the dinning room, two paintings were puted together into a stretch of open space, creating a comforting sense of inner peace. A classical modern approach livens the space and firmly showcases the beautiful artwork. The ceiling emulates a Zen garden, which adds another artistic element to compliment the painting. |
Description(Native) | 本案業主平時喜好收集中式古董及字畫﹐由於經商的關係經常來往兩岸之間﹐設計發想之初為了搭配屋主的收藏﹐大膽提出新東方的設計概念﹐因為基地位在基隆市郊﹐來往過程中經常感受到基隆雲霧繚繞﹐頗有中國水墨畫中的情境﹐概念取材自富春山居圖﹐北宋黃公望畫下此圖後﹐在歷史輾轉中﹑王公貴族的搶奪之下﹐此畫被燒成了2半﹐一半收藏在台灣的故宮博物院﹐另一半則收藏在江蘇的博物館﹐請藝術家重新演譯詮釋﹐在客廳畫上富春山居圖﹐餐廳則畫上剩山圖﹐讓富春山居圖及剩山圖在此處合壁﹐將二個開放空間連成一氣﹐祝福並隱諭屋主的事業與家庭均能兼顧﹑圓滿。 天花的設計是水平翻轉的枯山水,空間帶入裝置藝術的氛圍﹔屏風造型縫合人行動線﹐材質展現潑墨山水的意象﹔玻璃材質窗花﹐隔絕客餐廳空調達到節能需求﹐玻璃隔屏並印上專屬的圖騰,每片門從上到下共有5朵花開富貴的圖樣﹔專屬定造家具點綴量身訂製質感﹔從餐廳回望客廳看見自然光流動在建築物當中。 |
Shan Shui
O house
Z house
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin