

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation JiLin University of the Arts
Designer Feng Benyuan, Zhang Pengfei, Du Zhaoyu
Description(English) In life, blind people often do not know the water level of the water cup when they pour water, thus causing water to overflow out of the cup.The product addresses the problem of blind people drinking water. When water is poured into the cup, the buoy will rise as the water rises, and the blind person can judge the water level by sensing the position of the buoy, thus avoiding water overflowing from the cup. This function is suitable for people with visual and hearing impairments.
Description(Native) 该产品是一款基于包容性设计的盲人水杯,通过浮力的原理来解决盲人倒水时水溢出的问题。在生活中,因为生理上的缺陷,盲人在倒水时往往不能够准确判断杯中的水位,从而导致水从水杯中溢出,所以本产品从触觉层面来入手,让盲人通过手指的触觉来感知水位的变化,从而解决了盲人饮用水的问题。当水倒入杯子中时,杯中的浮标会随着水的上升而上升,当水位上升至预定位置时,浮标会触碰到盲人的手指给予触觉上的提醒,盲人就可以通过感知浮标的位置来判断水位,从而避免水从杯子里溢出。此功能适用于有视力和听力障碍的人。其次,本产品设计时充分运用了人机工程学的相关理论,通过调整水杯握把的角度,使其更易被盲人握持,同时拇指可以自然地搭在浮标位置,并增强使用时的握持手感。
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  1. Northeastern China Essence Series

  2. Inclusive design Blind water cup

  3. Modular Partition


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