



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2019
Client COFCO
Affiliation Kris Lin International Design
Designer Kris Lin
Description(English) Use the thought in the oriental culture of Square Sky and Circle Earth.The overall exterior wall is square and facing the sky while a circle mould facing the earth is made in the interior space which forms the concept of Square Sky and Circle Earth. 40 types of circles in different sizes are applied to form the overall interior space layout.The sand table in the center of the building is the biggest circle in the whole building.Starting from the center circle, there scatters out circles in different sizes to complement the whole interior space,while forming a complete and dimensional space with other function area such as VIP meeting area.
Description(Native) 该项目为住宅区售楼处,希望引用东方文化哲学思想的“天方地圆”,所以整体外墙建筑是方的,朝向天空,室内空间用圆的造型朝向地面,所以做成了“天方地圆”的概念。 这是东方传统文化中,人们对于自然界的认知与思想,但是设计师通过了一个非常现代的设计手法将“天方地圆”的概念阐述出来。 通过3D模型建模去完成人与建筑的空间感,掌握真实尺寸的室内空间规划出的空间效果。运用了近40多种不同尺寸的圆形做了整体的室内空间平面布局。从建筑正中心的沙盘区是整体空间中最大圆,从正中心的圆开始向外扩散放样出不同尺寸的圆形,塑造出整个室内空间,同时围合出走道和VIP洽谈区等不同功能空间,形成了一个完整的立体空间。 建筑正中心的大圆中设置了主灯,就像光的瀑布一样从天上顺流而下,并成为了整个建筑的视觉中心和亮点。钢结构的圆锥形室内建筑材料运用了透明的夹丝玻璃,形成了有一定空间界限,但是又十分通透的视觉效果。
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  1. Dancing Ribbon

  2. Art Toy Cafe

  3. Guohua Financial Center

  4. Opus One

  5. Seeking Deer

  6. Flying

  7. City of Light

  8. Fluid Space

  9. Birds Nest

  10. Curved Paper

  11. THE PARK


  13. Light Cube

  14. Circle

  15. Light Waterfall

  16. Zhonghai Office

  17. Zhongnan Mansion

  18. Jenga Windows

  19. Secret Garden

  20. Skynet

  21. Taichi

  22. Times Ocean Club House


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