Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2021 |
Affiliation | Lakeshore Hotel Hualien Taroko |
Designer | Lakeshore Hotel Hualien Taroko |
Description(English) | Master Ma Paisui painting “The Beauty of Taroko” inspires the design team on designing the exterior part of the building with the strange and magnificent mountains and rocks and the undulating sea of greenery in the lower part of the building, which is transformed into 3D pentagonal geometry and the triangles on the corridor and the ceiling. Furthermore, the undulating sea waves on the exterior walls of the building, bring the natural appearance of Hualien to the visitors. It not only provides a comfortable and convenient resting place but also integrates the local environment and multi-level travel experience. |
Description(Native) | 「煙波.花蓮」據以東太平洋遼闊海岸線和延綿幾里的蓊鬱山脈,建築師以山海作為靈感,以山脈的稜角、海浪的波濤為形象,結合彩墨繪畫大師馬白水畫作《太魯閣之美》,將太魯閣煙霧繚繞、變幻莫測、雄踞磅礡的氣勢具象化為建築外觀。花蓮,一個位於東台灣淳樸自然而美麗的城市,一個河川山線匯集之地,而「煙波.花蓮」正坐落於花蓮北部新城鄉,東側靠近浩瀚太平洋,西臨雄偉中央山脈,享有豐沛的觀光資源和優越便捷的對外交通,緊鄰的主要道路台九線可以直通國際機場、車站、國際海港及其他重要觀光景點。設計師在建築外觀上則以馬白水畫作《太魯閣之美》內奇詭瑰麗的山岩和低處連綿起伏的蔥鬱林海,各自化作了五角幾何和三角形,分別作為廊道和天花的立體樣貌、建築外觀牆面起伏不定的海波意象,使花蓮的自然樣貌不著痕跡地帶入旅客的印象裡,不僅提供舒適、便利的休憩場所,更融入當地環境氛圍和多層次的旅遊體驗。整個建築就融入在花蓮慢活舒心、自然、美的環境裡。 |
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Stories behind the Mountain
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin