Country | Hong Kong |
Year | 2019 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | UA Cinemas |
Affiliation | Oft Interiors Co., Ltd. |
Designer | CM Jao, Ken Cheung, Shanny Cheung |
Description(English) | This UA cinema in Shanghai celebrates deconstructivism, a postmodern architectural movement that has started since the 1980s. Deconstructivism is about moving away from the shackle of traditions, questioning pre-existing rules, challenging pre-dominating frameworks. It is a movement about freedom and oppression. The deconstructivist philosophy originated from the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, who had influenced some architects during the start of the movement. His approach can be seen in some architectural designs, where there is an absence of harmony, continuity and symmetry in the lines and forms. |
Description(Native) | 這個位於上海的UA電影院,就希望通過設計來表達想要顛覆傳統、脫離既定框架的意欲,於是用上了代表後現代建築思潮的「解構主義」。從八十年代晚期起,有些建築師受到法國哲學家德希達影響,開始將他主張的解構主義融入設計當中,起用大量不規則線條、幾何圖案及非形式化的立體形狀。這電影院加入了這場起義,重新思考空間的應用和意義。 大堂的設計透徹地體現了解構美學的特點:虛無、超現實、不穩定及開放的形態,務求一鳴驚人,讓觀眾留下深刻印象。這裡的天花板沒有固定的一片平面,反之有一棟棟不規則形狀的柱子從上方降下。站在大堂中央,幾乎有鼓輕微的壓迫感。這些柱子同時有提供光線的功能,令啞面香檳金色和光面灰籃色的對比更顯著。天花、牆壁和地板各自有獨有的圖案跟線條,卻用相類似的顏色;像是個不相干卻又互相聯繫。白色柱子包含香檳金色幼線,香檳金色柱子又發放著白色光線,透露著解構主義思維的獨有規律。 在視覺上經歷完後現代建築之旅後,到達觀影廳就是時候回歸平靜,將視點集中在電影上。低調的紫色,夾雜灰色和黑色,有規律地顯現在眼前。不規則形狀只出現在牆壁上;當解構的意義塵埃落定後,就成為了預設的結構,暗示下一個突破循環的起義。 |
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Positive Comments |
The Origin of a Creation
K11 Art House_Cozy Cottage
Deconstructivism_UA Cinemas SH
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin