Country | China |
Year | 2021 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Guangzhou Coayu Robot Co., Ltd. |
Designer | Man Ni, Xin Li, Liping Huang |
Description(English) | CC909’s styling inspired by the cosmetic compact is able to work harmoniously with various modern home styles. The distinctive hidden handle is devised to shape a minimalistic appearance of the ultra-thin 65mm and accommodate sundry cleaning scenarios. ToF technology helps the robot precisely detect the glass edge and slow down to avoid bumping the edge and normally operates without dropping even on the frameless window. CC909 can be handily started by one-click, clean automatically, and can also be controlled by remote control and APP. The UPS anti-power off function enables it to work for 30min when facing power failure and avoids dropping. |
Description(Native) | CC909是市面上最小且最薄的家用擦窗机器人,能适用于多种场景的安全、自动清洁,为人们提供智能擦窗的解决方案。 CC909的造型灵感来源于化妆盒,整体设计时尚简洁,能融入多种现代化的家居风格。小巧的机身为其提供了应付复杂环境的能力,小窗大窗都能适用,能够灵活、自由出入装有防护栏的窗户。 独创的隐藏把手设计,为CC909提供了极简的外观,也使得产品的厚度减小到了超薄的65mm。把手具备微动开关功能,当用户提起把手时,CC909将自动减少吸力、暂停工作。当放下把手时,则自动恢复工作,为多窗户连续工作带来巨大便捷。 CC909实现了智能规划清洁路线,自主检测、定位和移动,清洁完成后自动回到原点。ToF技术能灵敏、精准检测玻璃边缘,如遇边框提前减速,避免碰撞,在无边框玻璃也能正常运行。2500Pa的吸力,在保证机器安全吸附玻璃的同时,不磨损玻璃,又能带来干净的清洁效果。此外,CC909搭载UPS防断电功能,当电源被意外切断时,依然能够持续工作30分钟。安全绳与机身一体化的设计,为CC909提供了双重保护,确保断电不掉落。 CC909内置语音系统,能够向用户播报运行状态或警报提示。用户可通过遥控器、APP操控、监控产品工作,根据不同的场景,设定或调整合适的擦窗模式,以适应不用的清洁要求。 CC909以“家”为设计的出发点无论在外观造型,还是功能技术上,都呈现出理想、美好的“家”的形态。 |
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Positive Comments |
ROBOTICPLUS construction heavy duty chassis
Window Robot Cleaner CC909
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin