Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2021 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Ryan Lai Design |
Designer | Ryan Lai 賴錞熹 |
Description(English) | The feeling of spaciousness is the main intent behind the design. Therefore, the space in the house is divided with a symmetrical concept. Complicated lines are also pared down to promote ease of motion. Additionally, high quality materials are utilized so that it is appealing from afar and is a feast for the senses up close. This is a smart abode that boasts connectivity and remote control at one’s fingertips. Just utilizing smartphones and tablets, one is able to configure the lights, curtains, air-conditioning, surveillance system and home theater, etc. It is both modern and practical. |
Description(Native) | 空間感的呈現是設計主軸, 從圖說到實際空間都採用對齊且均分的概念, 運用簡單的立方體來區分空間屬性, 減少複雜線條組織, 強調舒適動線, 材質挑選重視表面的紋理質感, 遠觀近觸都有不平凡的細緻。 本案注重居家安全與健康, 基礎結構使用極低甲醛木作材料與黏著劑, 牆面以清水模、抗菌防黴等特殊塗料與綠建材設計, 利用全熱交換器提升室內空氣品質與噪音隔離。智慧家庭與情境控制系統的規劃, 透過手機或平板控制燈光、窗簾、空調、監視系統和視聽影音等設備, 兼具現代感與實用性。 天花板設計概念是以不規則雙四邊形為客廳主要照明, 開放空間燈光皆可利用手機平板微調明暗。經過妥善的安排規劃減少維修孔設置, 整合機台設備、電線風管、燈具、消防系統與空調風口, 讓天花板呈現乾淨極簡樣貌。 |
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Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin