



Extra Form
Country Korea
Year 2017
Affiliation SEOULTECH
Designer Seoungu Hwang
Description(English) Vibration is a two-story commercial facility. The overall concept is to change the facade of front exposure that existing commercial facilities had. This was demonstrated through dynamic vibration. It is also has a plant that is inserted into the v line falling downward. It gave a change through the new element of the plant in relation with the glass that the existing facade had and the person. The green of the plant relieves the visual fatigue caused by long shopping, the shade of the plant provides a small resting space for the consumer, and the resting space revitalizes commercial facilities through the pedestrian's remain.
Description(Native) vibration은 2층규모의 상업시설입니다. 전체적인 컨셉은 기존 상업시설이 가지고있던 전면노출의 입면 변화시키는 것입니다. 이는 동적인 vibration을 통하여 나타냈습니다. 또한 하부로 떨어지는 v 라인에 끼워넣은 식물로 기존 입면이 가지고있던 유리와 사람과의 관계속에 식물이라는 새로운 요소를 통한 변화를 주었습니다. 식물의 녹색은 장시간의 쇼핑으로인한 시각적인 피로를 덜어주고, 식물의 그늘은 소비자에게 작은 휴식공간을 제공하며, 휴식공간은 보행자의 머무름을 통하여 상업시설에 활력을 불어넣어줍니다.
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  1. Yulgok-ro 99

  2. "Z"

  3. No-1 series


  5. Smart morning touch

  6. trash fence

  7. Fan for U

  8. Vibration

  9. Toilet Roll Cleaner

  10. BODY FIT

  11. SHARE

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