

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2021
Client CR LAND Co., Ltd.
Affiliation Shanghai Face Decoration Design Engineering
Designer Zhang Li, Chen Meng, Zhang Dandan, Li Jie
Description(English) The art of diamond cutting is the concept here, where geometry is used to play with space and art is employed to give technology a touch of life. The idea is to start with deconstructivism and use geometric shapes for cutting, so that the light, colors, space in various sequences can work with one another, to build a post-modern futuristic dwelling of fashion and aesthetics. Also, artworks of mineral elements interact with three-dimensional spaces that are deconstructed to construct a fashion and techno labyrinth. Once you set foot inside, the journey of treasure hunt begins.
Description(Native) 設計師從時尚秀場中受到啓發,擷取了「空靈」這一微妙的元素,從中建立起新空間設計。嚴絲合縫的線條切割與裝飾工藝使空間向兩側延伸,在門廳處就變得豁然開朗,製造出別有洞天之感。在某種意義上,它將時間轉化為光芒,完全沈浸在線條、角度和明暗的變化中。 用現代的材料與設計手法來演繹空間,各類藝術裝飾品在空間中構建了多重視點,直順與轉折、永恆與短暫、光與暗中建立對話,將現實與時尚的元素結合起來,帶來愉悅的感官享受。 鈍角的空間平靜自如,由看得見的世界所喚起的感覺,它或許是自身形體的延續,亦或是探索空間的另一種可能性,使人們以特定的態度或特殊的角度,去重新發現、凝視並感受生活。 對空間與空間的過渡,「 感覺」是貫穿始終的關鍵,利用金屬透光的效果,擺脫了沈悶感,創造出低調靜謐的效果,使光影的玩味與周邊環境的融洽與平衡。 燈光營造出柔和的感官效果,取納自然所賦予的安靜與寧性,將自然、空間和光影融為一體,整個空間通過格擋與光線的控制,營造出一種幽暗克制的神秘氛圍,延展無盡猜想,淺淺而嘗、漫漫而走,讓寧靜的氛圍與空間元素產生質的變化。
Website www.facedesign.cn
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  1. Coffee Time

  2. Hall of Life aesthetic

  3. Eternal beauty

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