Country | China |
Year | 2021 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Shanghai Imilab Technology Co., Ltd. |
Designer | Kaining Li, Yajun Wang, Maofeng Kao |
Description(English) | Imilab Eye Caring Lamp adopts a rotatable camera not only providing a channel for remote communication and care, but also largely protecting children’s privacy. Stepless dimming and intelligent ambient light sensing enable the illumination adjustment to the most suitable intensity for reading and writing, so as to create a more comfortable learning environment for children. Benefiting from innovative humanoid detection function, the light will be turned on when the camera captures a humanoid figure and the light will be off after 30s when the figure leaves. It is convenient for daily use and reduces unnecessary power loss. |
Description(Native) | 兼顾摄像头对儿童的看护和减少摄像头带来的监控感,是设计该产品时面临的巨大挑战。通过对市场的大量调研,小白采用了旋转式摄像头来达到物理屏蔽效果,既为家长和儿童提供了沟通、看护的渠道,也在最大程度上保护了儿童的隐私。小白智能看护灯采用了1.6平方米的大范围照明,高显色的光源使光照更接近自然光。无极调光和智能环境光感应功能使得产品可以将光照调节至最适宜读写的强度,为儿童创造了更为舒适的学习环境。产品创新配备人形检测功能,摄像头捕捉到人形时会自动亮灯,人形消失30秒延时关灯,方便了用户的日常使用,并减少不必要的电能损失。为更好地辅助孩子学习,小白内置场景模拟功能,能够模拟上课、考试等常用场景。同时,小白能够和智能设备互联,可通过语音或者智能控制平台控制,实现家居的智能化。 小白采用了圆润的极简线条造型,配合具有漂浮感的灯杆,能够融入各种现代化家装风格中。灯盘采用了防眩磨砂纹理,其顶部的设计灵感来源于水中的涟漪,美观且手感舒适。灯顶同心圆的黑白搭配与产品主色调相契合,是对产品时尚定位的诠释。灯体全身的精细化打磨为用户带来了极致的亲肤感受,给儿童更为亲切的呵护和关怀。同时,产品遵循可持续发展原则,台灯底部的配重块为回收金属材料压铸成型,促进资源的循环利用。 |
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