



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2017
Affiliation Shanghai University Of Engineering Science
Designer Yahe Zhang
Description(English) This is the Incantation of the Golden Hoop for the prototype of the new Chinese style chair,A deeper level implication is that people do things don't half-hearted. To simplify it into line becomes the main body of furniture, the overall structure is simple, by mortise connection, and combination of soft package to come in, increase the comfort of people.China's traditional culture has a long history, in which the furniture has had a huge impact on the world.The purpose of this design is to will China's outstanding traditional elements in modern design method to showcase,and to further promote the fine traditional Chinese culture.
Description(Native) 这是一件以紧箍咒为原型的的新中式椅,更深的一层次寓意就是人们做事要降伏心猿意马,不让纷杂万千的念头干扰自己。将其简化成线条便成了家具的主体,整体结构简洁,由榫眼进行连接,并将软包结合进来,增加人们的舒适感。中国的传统文化历史悠久,其中家具对世界各国的影响巨大。通过调研不同城市的家具卖场,和一些著名的文化创意创业区,我们发现传统的工艺美术已经得到现代人们的重视,而且已经有一些位于设计前沿的企业开始利用这些传统的元素。人们对于具有中国特色的优秀设计需求量很高。此设计的目的是将中国优秀的传统元素以现代设计的手段表现出来,进一步弘扬优良的中国传统文化。
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