


Packaged Light

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Country China
Year 2019
Client The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Affiliation The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Designer Weili Wu, Feng Zhe
Description(English) Have you ever imagined the containers of light may have new possibilities? As distinct from the traditional solid forms, by the light of the packaging for the user to the more interesting experience: In off mode, it looks just like a delicious food packaging,easy to carry and decoration.When light is needed, just unseal the package and the light flushes out, becoming an available flash light. With the change of the users’ strength, the light changes at same time. This idea was an attempt to blur the boundaries between products’ usage and provide more fun for our daily life.
Description(Native) 是否想象过光的容器有新的可能?《被包装的光》设计有别于传统固态的形式,被包装的光为使用者带来更具趣味的体验:未开启状态时,它看起来就像一个可口的包装;当需要照明时捏开开口,光便从口部倾泻而出,成为一个用于照明的电器。设计企图模糊产品之间的认知界限,从而带来更丰富的感知和体验,为日常的生活点缀更多乐趣。 1.作为灯具,它具有创新的使用体验,只需通过挤压开口,即可完成灯具开关。 2.他以食品包装的形式作为外观,具备独特的装饰性与美感,同时便于使用及携带。 3.光的倾泻与食物的美好感受关联,带来美好的隐喻解释。 使用复合的水洗牛皮纸作为外壳,还原包装袋的独特质感。通过磁吸感应使得开口的闭合完成电路的断开与连接。
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