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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation Tunghai University
Designer Chi Yung Li, Wei Chen
Description(English) ''tentagon''is a two-person lightweight tent with an inflatable frame, mainly for beginners in camping. It adopts innovative three-axis air column technology, so that the overall tent frame has a better supporting structure.''tentagon''can be inflated within 2 minutes, and the user only needs to fill the inflatable frame to complete the construction. In addition to setting up, the one-piece tent is also more convenient and quicker to pack up. Tent is connected to the inner tent through the left and right inclined angles and uses gravity to achieve a perfect balance between the inner tent and the air column.
Description(Native) 簡化傳統帳篷使用流程出發,讓使用者有更好的使用體驗,有別以往傳統帳篷不夠直覺與複雜的組裝方式,需透過金屬支架的組裝再與內帳結合才能搭建。而''tentagon''採用充氣柱形成一體式帳篷,並在充氣柱上增加相對應環扣,讓使用上更直覺簡易,解決以往傳統帳篷搭建困難的問題。''tentagon''是一款採用充氣式骨架的雙人輕量化帳篷,主要是給露營的初學者使用。與市面上的充氣式帳棚相比,''tentagon''顯得更加輕便與技術性,採用了創新的三軸氣柱技術,顛覆以往市面上的一軸技術,讓整體帳篷骨架有更良好的支撐結構,在材質方面也採用了環保布料製作,帳篷整體重量只有2公斤。帳篷充氣只需2分鐘內即可完成,使用者只需將充氣骨架充飽即可搭建完成。除了在搭建外,一體式的帳篷在收拾上也更方便快速。帳篷整體外型以五邊型為代表,透過左右傾斜的角度與內帳連接,利用重力讓內帳與氣柱達到完美的平衡。
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