Country | Korea |
Year | 2017 |
Client | JYP Entertainment |
Affiliation | VBstudio |
Designer | ChulHwee Kim |
Description(English) | JYP Entertainment's male group 2PM concert '6Nights' title text design and main poster were produced. In order to express the concert which is performed during the night for 6 days in total, the main title design was turned on by the neon sign. |
Description(Native) | JYP엔터테인먼트의 남성그룹 2PM의 콘서트 '6Nights' 타이틀 텍스트 디자인과 메인 포스터를 제작하였다. 총 6일동안 밤에 진행되는 콘서트를 표현하고자 메인타이틀 디자인을 네온사인에 불이 켜진 모습을 컨셉으로 전체적인 포스터 디자인 방향을 연출하였다. |
Website | |
BTS [WINGS] Album Branding Design
2017 Gong Yoo Live 'Make A Wish' Concert Poster
2PM CONCERT '6Nights'
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin