



Extra Form
Year 2018
Affiliation YUN-YIH Design Company
Designer Chung-Lin Lee
Description(English) Chuci, Nine Songs—The Monarch of Clouds A journey has a beginning: so it has an end. But creative spaces differ. Retaining imagination; the remaining music echoes throughout the roofs; underlying sounds and meanings; is therefore boundless. Departing from fixed expectations of universal values, Using wooden pallets still stained with marks of cement, weaving an orderly outline, Like quiet and solemn soldiers in rows, Wearing their life’s hardship like armor, once more they step onto the battlefield.
Description(Native) Chuci, Nine Songs—The Monarch of Clouds A journey has a beginning: so it has an end. But creative spaces differ. Retaining imagination; the remaining music echoes throughout the roofs; underlying sounds and meanings; is therefore boundless. Departing from fixed expectations of universal values, Using wooden pallets still stained with marks of cement, weaving an orderly outline, Like quiet and solemn soldiers in rows, Wearing their life’s hardship like armor, once more they step onto the battlefield.
Website www.yundyih.com.tw
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  1. Reversal

  2. Lead-washed

  3. Boundless

  4. Pandora

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