

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Shen PeiTi
Designer Shen PeiTi
Description(English) Industrial Safety accidents occur on construction site all the time, yet failure to wear hard hats properly accounts for a large percentage of significant injuries and deaths. It is difficult for managers to control each worker's condition because it is too complex. To solve the problem, installing detectors on hard hats and connect to the app. Managers can manage workers via the app. DLT also enhances the willingness to wear hard hats by Improving the problem of traditional hard hats. When accidents occur, the DLT app will notice managers and provides the first aid information of injuried workers to protect workers' life safety.
Description(Native) 工安意外層出不窮,然而在重大傷亡案例中,未正確配戴安全帽佔比最高。因為工地人員複雜,管理者難以掌握每位工作者狀態。為解決這個問題,DLT工地管理安全網透過在安全帽上裝設偵測器並連結至手機APP形成工地安全網。管理者能透過APP管理工地安全,例如人員狀況、強制人員佩戴安全帽、意外發生及時通報。 DLT同時透過改善安全帽硬體缺點來提升配戴意願,DLT安全帽利用組件插槽來提供多功能配件(焊接防護面罩、噪音防護耳罩等)的組合讓工作者能依需求選擇最適合的搭配方式。意外發生時,APP第一時間通知管理者以利緊急處理並能提供受傷工作人員的急救基本資訊(如血型、性別,身高體重等基本資料),以保障工作者生命安全。
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