


Gentle Grey

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation CHENYI
Designer YuWen Wang
Description(English) The designer has refined the division of lines, and the glass screen at the entrance is lined with iron pieces to reveal the simple layout of the house. At the same time, the horizontal space is arranged in an open plan, and the ceiling is delineated by interspersing different materials and color intensity. Based on the above, the designer has arranged the furniture in an orderly manner and linked the view inside the house and outside the window. The Grigio Carnico marble TV wall in the public area is complemented by the light ink-like stone countertop in the dining room, creating an extraordinary atmosphere.
Description(Native) 本案遵循「歸家即休息」、「生活即風景」的重要旨意,在紳灰色質調配中,圍繞人文與自然譜寫和諧空間畫面。室內沿著大面窗景打造客廳與閱讀辦公區,置入別具巧思的家具陳設,經由大型倒 L 沙發的延伸與後方書桌自然連結,締造開闊互動的視覺語境之餘,內外的情景對話順勢而生,居者置身其中,能時刻沐浴於綠意、暖陽與晚霞,享受生活美好依歸。為了譜寫和諧同調的質感畫面,形塑簡潔俐落的單紳型格,本案極致追求空間的延續性,利用通透佈局,線條和質材的呼應手法,達成水平與垂直構面的一致連貫,造就緊密合一的場域關係與美學表情。自入門起始,設計者精研線面比例分割,巧妙揭示全域簡練的佈局走向。橫向空間以去隔間的開放式編排,開展公領域極盡自由的平行向度,天花利用異材質的穿插鋪述、色階強弱的層次界定,達成巧妙劃界;家具軟件在開闊有序配置中清晰定調場域自明性,融入連通、轉向的手法串起內部視野互動及對外的景致觀覽。公共區域巧思以獨特灰網石打造電視牆,與餐廳如淡墨般暈染的石材檯面相輔相成,開展不凡氣度;特殊塗料渲染於天花壁面間,水染木皮跳落於立面及櫃體之上,搭佐金屬元素點綴,架構野性與溫雅具存的和諧美感。為了一展空間與男屋主人格特質的強烈貼合性,硬體設計上採用黑色鐵件結合特殊灰色塗料,依憑自然的色階變化緩緩延伸,在素淨質感中揉入水染木皮、雅緻石材的各異紋理,添加些微金屬元素點綴,盡顯深沉穩斂的紳士型格;軟裝設計引入質感柔美的皮革與布紋面料,平衡剛烈冷毅質韻,為空間注入精緻奢華的優雅氣息。
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