


Retro Modern

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Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation Madmen Studio Limited Co., Ltd.
Designer Madmen Studio
Description(English) Madmen Studio renovated a Hong Kong home for a newlywed couple who wanted an American-Retro style space. They removed the kitchen partitions and added a large island bar that serves as a dining space and promotes interaction. They used materials like herringbone wood flooring, geometric tiles, and vintage-style ceramic tiles to enhance the American aesthetic. Trust between the clients and designers was crucial to the project's success. The goal was to create a practical and comfortable space that captured the American style while evoking feelings of nostalgia and playfulness for the couple's new life together.
Description(Native) 今次的戶主是一對年輕的新婚夫婦,為了配合新生活,特意找了Madmen Studio幫忙設計新居。因為過去在美國的美好生活回億,他們很希望新居的整體感覺可以再次展現出那濃厚的美式風格,藉此破格的做法帶來一點生活上的玩味之如,也可讓他們回味一下過去的美好時光。 這個作品是屬於一個舊樓重新翻新的項目,舊樓的好處就是在空間分佈上,有著強大的自由度。設計師首先從空間規劃入手,通過重新調整空間佈局,將客廳和廚房連成一體,我們沒有預留飯廳的空間,反而是增設了一個中島大型吧台廚櫃,這樣不但可以擴展空間感,體現美式風格的廚房設計和生活方式,同時也可增加空間與空間之連繫。 接下來,設計師在色彩和材料上也作了很多不同的嘗試以進一步體現美式風格。設計師選用了以人字紋方法鋪砌的覆合木地板、有著特式幾何形狀的花磚、型格的黑胡桃木皮、復古的拼花瓷磚、充滿質感的特別油漆、麂皮製傢俱、特式玻璃吊燈等等,這些元素都是美式風格的經典特徵。 很多時候好的設計作品都是建構在客人與設計師之間都的雙互信關係之上,即使每當有好的想法,客人的信任也是好作品得以順利呈現的關鍵。
Website www.madxmen.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments Madmen Studio renovated a Hong Kong home for a newlywed couple in American-Retro style. Removing kitchen partitions and adding a large island bar created a dining space that encourages interaction. Herringbone wood flooring, geometric tiles, and vintage ceramic tiles enhance the American aesthetic. Trust between clients and designers was crucial. The project successfully blends practicality and comfort, capturing American style while evoking nostalgia and playfulness for the couple's new life. The judges noted the effective use of space and the nostalgic yet functional design.
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  5. CLIBO

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  11. An intoxicating cup

  12. Dstone

  13. Sensory Induction

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  15. KNOB

  16. PLIP

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  18. WO ROOM Edible Insect Farming Set

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  20. IBEX ST

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  23. AirMAX

  24. Bubble Sterilizer

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  26. Anti Poaching Smart UAV Design

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