


Dainty Suite

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation AD design
Description(English) Color and building materials are the two main keys to release the space pressure. Light color and natural building materials are used to bring up a delightful atmosphere. Solid ceiling is replaced by glasses to elevate the visibility of the mezzanine house. Considering the lighting, customized channel steel poles are installed to support the heavy glass and the embed strip lights to meet the lighting and load-bearing requirements.
Description(Native) 為解決狹小空間帶來的壓迫感,以「色調」及「材料」為主軸——採淺色系為主調,圍塑輕盈舒緩的氛圍,並透過自然建材,挹注質樸溫潤的感受。空間佈局上,使其富有輕透之視覺,以玻璃取代樓板,增加通透性。考量天花板光源由上至下的軸線性會被床墊阻隔,因此以槽鋼為基底,特別訂製出鑲有光源的支撐結構,使其固定玻璃夾層,並將光源鑲嵌於內,同時滿足採光及承重條件。 在狹小的空間尺度內,擺入繁複的機能,是一大課題;因格局侷促,場域之間的關係更加緊密連接。客廳旁側的書桌,結合工作及梳妝功能,另考量使用的互動性,劃設了整面衣櫃。將廚房檯面下放,轉化為階梯踏面,並在零散格局做收納櫃體,讓每處空間皆適得其所。 雖然空間尺度有限,但業主仍希望擁有健全機能,於是為其規劃完善的衛浴配置,並透過細節鋪陳,讓小空間也能鋪塑大氣視覺——選用花崗岩石材調和淺色磁磚,長型鏡面由天花板延伸而下,做內嵌燈源設置,使整體視感通透且達到延展效果。
Website www.addesign.com.tw
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design was highly regarded for its innovative use of light colors and natural materials to create a delightful atmosphere and reduce space pressure. Replacing the solid ceiling with glass elevates visibility, and customized steel poles support heavy glass and integrated strip lights, enhancing both lighting and structural integrity. This approach balances aesthetics and functionality, making the mezzanine house feel open and airy.
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