

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Chen zhu international space design
Designer Chang Hua Jen
Description(English) Facades and flooring incorporate a moderate earthy color palette, imbuing the space with a soothing atmosphere to calm the customers' emotions during their visits. Additionally, in response to the client's emphasis on the medical environment, we artfully expand the operating and laser rooms, providing ample space for the medical team to perform various intricate procedures. Adjacent to these areas, we strategically set a dedicated recovery room to facilitate post-operative observation, allowing medical professionals to monitor patients' recovery progress. We skillfully create an eco-friendly, safe medical environment.
Description(Native) 為回應業主對於診療環境的重視,我們將手術室及雷射室擴大,提供醫護團隊施作多元且複雜的療程,比鄰處劃設恢復室,方便醫者觀察客戶術後的復原狀況,另顧及員工及訪客的健康,全案選用可回收的環保建材,配合高防護性的矽酸鈣板、防火石膏板及隔音岩綿,共組友善自然、安全無虞的醫療場域。 一樓大廳上方運用不規則形吊燈,排列為海潮波湧的樣貌,盡展華美雅韻,令訪客留下驚豔的第一印象,而下方櫃檯設計直、曲線條的雙層外牆,綴搭間接照明,打造懸浮於空的科技感,二樓大廳則於洽談區懸掛造型燈具,作為點綴之餘,更營造出如吧台般的自適氛圍,拉近醫者與客戶間的距離。 因應建物方正的構造,我們將主要通道規劃為環形路徑,同時依療程順序,延循廊道兩側劃設錯開的診療室,打造流暢動線也提升人員進出的便利性,輔以玻璃診間外設置的隔簾,兼顧來客隱私。 此案以大量玻璃隔間串連各場域,創造通透而開闊的觀感,另透過轉角處的異質展示層櫃,佐搭內部擺飾的藝術展品與醫美產品,使顧客和員工每一抬眼、回首,皆有多元的嶄新景緻。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design received high praise for its use of an earthy color palette that soothes customers during visits. The expanded operating and laser rooms provide ample space for intricate procedures, and the strategically placed recovery room allows for effective post-operative monitoring. The eco-friendly and safe medical environment reflects a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to healthcare design.
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