

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Designer Ming Hung Chuang
Description(English) We believe that design, like people, can be represented by curved lines, which symbolize a warm and caring inner spirit. If we were to personify this design, it would be a sophisticated and refined mature woman. The pendant lights above the dining table are a clever touch. Each light is circular, but their arrangement creates a cloud-like effect in the sky, adding a touch of liveliness to the elegant space.
Description(Native) 此作品的創作靈感為簡約、低調溫暖,在空間的運用上不刻意打造過多的家具及壁櫃,締造出寬敞明亮的空間規劃,極簡顧名思義就是簡單簡化,所以在家俱的挑選上不會使用過多的色彩搭配,而是選擇較柔和的顏色配置,奶油色的裝修空間,給人帶來的整體感覺是舒適且柔和的樣貌,而軟裝及家飾的選擇除了著重於舒適、顏色之外,設計款式也選擇了較簡單的款式,家俱的邊角也不再是以往常出現的稜角,我們認為設計與人一樣,圓弧的線條也同時代表著溫暖體貼的內心,如果用擬人法來形容這件作品,那麼它一定是一位溫文儒雅的成熟女性,餐桌上的吊燈也是一記巧思,每一顆吊燈都是一樣的圓,但不同的拼湊法卻讓它成為了一朵像在天空上的雲,在優雅的空間裡增添一點活潑的氣息;玄關設計則是使用了現代流行的仿石子地磚搭配,色彩雖不一旦也不過度突兀,反而達到了畫龍點睛的效果,屋主家裡有小孩及毛小孩,這樣確實的劃分玄關及室內區地板,可以避免家中孩子接觸到從外面帶回家的塵土,主臥設計則是注重於舒適度,良好的大面採光運用再種植一盆綠葉植栽,一覺醒來映入眼簾的豈不就是生活在夢想之中。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design is highly regarded for its use of curved lines, symbolizing warmth and care, creating a sophisticated yet lively atmosphere. The pendant lights above the dining table, arranged to mimic a cloud-like effect, add a dynamic element to the elegant space, personifying the design as a refined and mature presence.
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