

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Affiliation JI SIH Interior Design Co.,Ltd
Description(English) Featuring exclusive customization services in its interior design and hair-styling design, this hair salon is especially crafted to offer services to customers with fine taste, and through the simple and neat look raises the anticipation to the coming service for each guest entering the door. In addition to the creation of quality ambiance with hardware design, the designer also selected a number of works of art to adorn the space with his own unique taste and insight, which adds the finishing touch to the interpretation of brand image and assigns a distinctive identity to this stylish salon as well.
Description(Native) 詩人池田大作曾說過:「藝術與文化能鼓舞並紓解疲憊的心靈,從內在解放人心。」 這個專為高端品味客戶服務的全新沙龍品牌透過簡潔俐落的空間樣貌,帶給每位打開門的貴賓不僅是心曠神怡的氛圍更提升了對於接下來服務的期待感。這個專為高端品味客戶服務的全新沙龍品牌透過簡潔俐落的空間樣貌,帶給每位打開門的貴賓不僅是心曠神怡的氛圍更提升了對於接下來服務的期待感。 深入探究空間細節,可發現大片的紅磚面、細緻的金屬線條,輔以藝術作品的點綴,別於一般沙龍過於強烈的視覺,「YZ顏值造型」所要傳達的是俐落不造作的風格,從硬體到軟裝都審慎地緊扣現代主題。室外,比例精準的以落地窗延伸放大空間量體;彎進紅磚牆的玄關,室內光景則透過金屬質材、石皮與純白視覺,創作出現代極簡的時尚況味。 一瞬彷若身處日本南青山區的設計空間,業主與設計師的完美配合,只為了透過服務與設計,給予每一位走進「YZ顏值造型」的客人,發自內心的感動。
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  1. Taipei EROS Hair Salon

  2. YZ Hair Salon

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K设计大奖是由 DESIGNSORI Co., Ltd. 主办并举办,取消了造型的简单性和复杂性,不仅通过优秀的设计实现创意的具体化,并赋予产品创造潜力真正的价值。以这样的目标为基础,期待着由设计者,公司,设计机关及设计工作室推出最佳的设计理念,构成卓越的设计形态,制作出有创意的作品。


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