

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation Materiality Design
Designer StephenKuo
Description(English) The hair salons is based on the geometry of black, white, and grey colors. The gestures of hair-cutting are translated into the massing of the sculptural entities. The triangular motif shapes the functional cubes and planes from ceiling to floors through the actions of piling, cutting, and sewing. The light bars embedded in the dividing lines contributes to numerous lighting belts, serving as supplemental lighting while solving the condition of the lowered ceiling. They extend and meander with the reflection of the large mirror, shuttling freely between the planes and the three-dimensionality.
Description(Native) 設計初衷 作為時尚髮廊的領頭品牌,我們計劃將空間門面即為品牌識別的想法,落實在台北市中心邊界的街廓上,讓地域性格一併融入空間設計中,因而,創新、潮流且雋永,成為設計基調;運用黑白灰色系與幾何切割,重複疊襯、變化以形塑出空間層次與其所分屬的功能,讓看似平面的框景裡,處處有立體的風景,以回應剪髮藝術的精髓:流暢且連動性的裡應外合。 設計手法 1. 宛如雕塑:以全白的背景為底,意喻品牌純粹的初衷,並以拆解剪髮的動作,解構與建構出空間量體。連續堆疊、切割與接合,如幾何雕塑般,以多樣化的三角形作為基礎塊體,建構出天地壁所需的功能塊面,例如:櫃檯、商品層架、鏡面、天花、隔牆等等,讓精準比例的線條,席捲上下樓層與工作動線,連續性的層疊、錯視造就空間變化,與座位區的穩定感成了強烈對比,浮動與沉潛兩相濟濟,造就髮藝空間特殊的動態感。 2. 照明如光束穿透:髮藝工作需受光均勻,大片天花照明在不同樓層以整排塊體提供工作時的基礎光源,此外,鑲嵌光條在切割的線條上形成無數的光帶,作為輔助光源,亦可解決VIP室天花低矮的狀況。植入量體裡的光束,加上大量鏡面的反射,不斷延展與轉折,光束,作為行走動線與分割空間的索引,自由穿梭於立體與平面之間,成了構實亦構虛的交界。
Website www.mdesign.com.tw
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