Country | Taiwan |
Year | 2018 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | DUZZ |
Designer | Lin,Chiu-Yueh, Hung,Yi-An, Lin,Hui-Chuan |
Description(English) | The site is a multistory residential building on the 5th floor.The design idea is to take advantage of high ceiling warm texture material to define the space. With the application of blue and yellow color with the sunlight to create modern and elegant feeling of the living realm. Humble and simple lifestyle are enlighten through the air and light interact with sharp shadow and fresh fragrance. By introducing the art and nature material as texture, we start to provide a new definition to the modern lifestyle and elegant way of living. |
Description(Native) | 本基地是5層樓的複層住宅。採光透亮的室內,設計師以顏色、材質的交織營造出穩重、溫潤中,不失輕盈的「家」的質感。在以鮮明的色調構成空間主體的溫潤氛圍,透過藍、黃兩色交織結合各種材質,風格中優雅中透露著質樸與隨性,以異質素材與構件的交織碰撞,建構一個具備時尚與人文的精神,亦圍塑出有溫度、有故事的生活場域。在以生活軌跡為設計主軸中,透過細緻的木紋、石材、布面、藝術漆、玻璃…等物件,優雅地讓各種不同質地的元素能穩定融合,產生視覺上的和諧,讓使用與功能相對單純的居所,增添饒富趣味的一面,也讓使用者對生活,有了全新的定義。 |
meeting with elegant
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin