


Handle lock

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Country China
Year 2018
Affiliation Wuhan University of Technology
Designer Ziqiang Xu, Yiran Bao
Description(English) Bicycle is the most common form of transportation for life. But, the bicycle always has the problem that will be stolen and have not enough space to park. The design combines a bicycle handle with a lock to avoid the problem of carrying a lock. Add the lock structure to the handle, rotate the handle through the key switch, and then jam the wheels to achieve the lock bicycle effect. At the same time, in the case of lock function, can save the parking space. Ease the problem of tight parking space.
Description(Native) 在生活当中,自行车是生活中最常见的交通工具。但是,自行车一直有被盗走与停车空间不够用的问题。该设计将把手与锁相结合,避免携带锁的问题。将锁的结构加入把手中,通过钥匙开关旋转把手,然后卡住车轮,达到锁车的效果。与此同时,在具备锁车的功能情况下,又能节省停车空间,缓解停车空间紧张的问题。
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