



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2018
Affiliation Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
Designer Liu Xiang, Zeng Longbao, Liao Jinhao, Zhou Hongchao, Lin Xianjie
Description(English) The new designed faucet has two kinds of effluent patterns: In normal times, opening the switch is the pattern of water column, this pattern can make it convenient for us to wash small things. When finger slides to the right on the touch screen, the faucet can enter the pattern of water curtain, the width of water curtain changes with the distance that the finger slides, this pattern can make it convenient for us to wash chopping boards, kitchen knives, plates of long tube shape etc. Meanwhile, we can touch the area of temperature control on the top left of the touch screen to control the temperature of water
Description(Native) 传统的厨房用水龙头只能调节出水量的多少,而不能调节出水的形状,我们不方便洗不同尺寸的东西。我们新设计的水龙头有两种出水模式:平时,打开开关即是水柱模式,方便我们洗小件物品。当手指在触控屏上向右滑动时,便可进入水帘模式,水帘的宽度随着手指滑动距离的变化而变化,方便我们清洗砧板、菜刀、长条形的盘子等物品。同时,我们可以触控屏左上方的温度调节区域来控制水温。
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  1. JU smart table

  2. Air Fan/clean air fan

  3. builddweller

  4. Eco easy cap

  5. LITE

  6. E-Surfbaord B200

  7. EasySET

  8. PHIATON BT 700

  9. ULTRATIME 002

  10. Io walking wardrobe


  12. Octagon

  13. The New UTV design

  14. 2C3D

  15. Height-Tapeline

  16. KOOC (Keep&Cook)

  17. Light chair

  18. Sgnl


  20. A considerate bowl

  21. JUST ONE

  22. CirXquare

  23. Illuminate You

  24. i-ringer

  25. Compact grill

  26. COZY


  28. Handle lock

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