

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Designer Shih-Hsien Yuan
Description(English) The scenery at Fuchun, however, is dazzling. The stunning Fuchun River reflects not the coming spring, but the shadows of greenery hills. Given the restaurant with large square footage, the designer suggests that the courtyard furnished with the pool landscape displays the extinguishing oriental design vision “the view varies following distinct spaces.” To present the design style full of oriental elements, the designer promotes the atmosphere of pleasant dining environment, of which the thick dining tables are adorned with the white Chinese-style lanterns.
Description(Native) 唐代 ‧ 吳融,詩云之仙境如富春,因有千峰般倒影入水面。此空間作品,為一餐飲商空,風格蘊含純粹的東方美學,輔以理性的行銷視覺。整體動線與用餐區域,以圍繞主景水池佈局,映入水面之美的,不僅是燈影、老樹、山石,包含整棟建築的內立面,如千峰般倒影落其間。 作品腹地甚廣,設計師起始即建議業主將其天井大中庭,闢為水池主景,景中有主題佈景,運用水的流動元素與燈光效果,佈局出東方園林「步移景異」之動線視覺美學,一步一動一環繞,景致各異其趣。空間動線與餐飲座位近五百座,循主景水池圍繞,更易引人因在行動步移間,領略層出不窮之視覺幻美。 池景於外,透過玻璃帷幕,整體視覺穿透於內,室內外景於空間是有延續的。建物的內立面,整牆面樓層皆已橫條木色隔柵作口字型包覆,讓作品空間景致與建物間,在視覺上維續一致調性。 將東方風格設定作為主要的發展軸心,讓其貼近生活與輔助商業視覺設定。室內長桌部分,以白色中式燈籠和厚重的自然實木作主要空間呈現。吧檯區域面中央中庭,享以水景。室內用材以風格視覺定調,原木桌椅、水泥粉光、垂直的天花板隔柵、東方味的燈飾與飾品等。
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  1. Light Waterfall

  2. Dining in Nature

  3. Sunny Apartment

  4. Homeland

  5. Sanctuaire

  6. Turning

  7. Tetraforest

  8. Floral Pavilion

  9. House in Nakagawa

  10. Dream Lab

  11. Complex library

  12. Zhonghai Office

  13. Zhongnan Mansion

  14. Lotus Art Square

  15. Sky City

  16. Boundless

  17. En Plein Ciel 2

  18. Jacobs

  19. Teppanyaki Himawari

  20. The Origins of Style

  21. Yuli Design Studio

  22. Mua House

  23. The gaze of whitenes

  24. Chien House

  25. Extension

  26. Jurassic Museum

  27. OMG Club

  28. Scenery of Fuchun

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