

Extra Form
Year 2018
Affiliation Yuli Design
Designer Chiung Hui Fu, Ken Lee
Description(English) In fact, previous lighting of the houses in Wennan Rd. is the one-sided back-to-back long and narrow type, so it is impossible to introduce natural lighting to the rear part of the house. This makes us to hope to introduce more lighting and keep the indoor and outdoor space connected at the same time. Besides, another aim is to build a fun interior design workshop that cuts the distance given to the business between clients and designers, which not only makes the business seen but also intrigues the latent clients.
Description(Native) 放眼望去文南路(街道名)幾乎都是背對式狹長屋型單面開口採光要讓房屋後半段也享受到陽光幾乎是不太可能,因此我們期望引入更多光線,同時能與外界保持著聯繫。 除此之外,背後的另一層意義在打造一間富含趣味性的室內設計工作室,企圖打破以往對於這個行業的距離感必須讓人看見自己,也進而產生好奇心。 移除了空間內的阻隔視野的隔間,減少大量非必要的裝飾材料,透光的玻璃書牆讓經過的人隱約好奇著我們的活動, 除了光線之外,我們將大樹搬進來,我們讓小鳥飛進來,讓綠色住進來
Website www.yuli-design.com
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  1. Light Waterfall

  2. Dining in Nature

  3. Sunny Apartment

  4. Homeland

  5. Sanctuaire

  6. Turning

  7. Tetraforest

  8. Floral Pavilion

  9. House in Nakagawa

  10. Dream Lab

  11. Complex library

  12. Zhonghai Office

  13. Zhongnan Mansion

  14. Lotus Art Square

  15. Sky City

  16. Boundless

  17. En Plein Ciel 2

  18. Jacobs

  19. Teppanyaki Himawari

  20. The Origins of Style

  21. Yuli Design Studio

  22. Mua House

  23. The gaze of whitenes

  24. Chien House

  25. Extension

  26. Jurassic Museum

  27. OMG Club

  28. Scenery of Fuchun

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