

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Client Hi Sushi
Affiliation Ahead Concept Design
Designer ONION, yucheng
Description(English) HISUSHI, after years of development, has established its own distinct image in dining fashion. However, after reaching its peak, every cutting-edge fashion eventually simplifies and returns to nature. The Lake Store is the turning point in this natural tide. At Sushi Sea, quality is clearly and naturally communicated to guests through simple ingredients, flavors, and service. We have envisioned this store as a fishing boat lit up on the sea following its own path, never lost, and guided home by the heart: HISUSHI offers a simple and harmonious atmosphere in which you can savor the bounty of the land and sea.
Description(Native) 當潮流不再年輕,風格的再上一層追求,是一種返璞歸真的質感。對空間而言,質感,是帶有情感認同的舒適與自在。質感能夠成立在任何形式之上,甚至不具特定風格,然而,它令人念念不忘,並且嚮往身處其間。 這個故事的主角、也是店內的靈魂所在,迴轉台,是那艘海上夜捕的漁船,燈火通明、勇往直前、充滿生命力。我們刻意選擇了類似油燈造型的吊燈,用序列的方式凸顯數量,讓空間被吧台上的吊燈佈滿,配合噴黑鐵架與鐵網,完整呈現古樸的美感。食客置身其中,抬眼看見的每一個面向,都是海壽司的浮世繪,不僅有層次,還有故事的想像延伸。
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  1. Light Waterfall

  2. Dining in Nature

  3. Sunny Apartment

  4. Homeland

  5. Sanctuaire

  6. Turning

  7. Tetraforest

  8. Floral Pavilion

  9. House in Nakagawa

  10. Dream Lab

  11. Complex library

  12. Zhonghai Office

  13. Zhongnan Mansion

  14. Lotus Art Square

  15. Sky City

  16. Boundless

  17. En Plein Ciel 2

  18. Jacobs

  19. Teppanyaki Himawari

  20. The Origins of Style

  21. Yuli Design Studio

  22. Mua House

  23. The gaze of whitenes

  24. Chien House

  25. Extension

  26. Jurassic Museum

  27. OMG Club

  28. Scenery of Fuchun

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