

Extra Form
Year 2018
Affiliation 9 Studio Design Group
Designer Tung Tsan Lee
Description(English) We hope to add an element in the room, with that the public area and private area are divided functionally. By doing so, two different behaviors, one is dynamic and the other is static, are separated to reduce the interference that the two bring to each other. This concept is like the design of formicaries, which brings a sense of stability, like “home,” to the ants seeking food outside and then returning. We have a unique curved wood grating system in the room, and through precise digital and structural calculation, the room will be filled with a nature-like rhythm and beauty.
Description(Native) 亞洲人十分講究吃的學問,如何吃的自然、吃的健康,更是現今主要的飲食觀念。 我們深入了解我們業主-香港香港新生活飲茶團隊創立這個品牌的主要精神, 除了食材嚴選之外,最強調的是現做即食,新鮮直送的食品製作方式。 從食材的挑選、清洗、製作到呈現在顧客面前,強調的是自然與健康這兩個最重要的價值。 面對這樣的飲食製作概念,我腦中不斷出現的畫面,是風吹過稻田產生的徐徐波濤、天空中流動的浮雲,以及海洋裡成群游動的魚群等自然的場景。 我們希望在空間中介入一個元素,透過這個元素在機能上切分出公領域以及私領域,在公領域裡顧客進行取餐的動作,取餐完畢後顧客回到私領域的座位用餐,將動態與靜態的行為區分出來,降低彼此的干擾,這有點像是蟻窩的概念,出外覓食與歸巢,在行為上有一種”家”的安定感。我們選擇了一種特殊的曲面木格柵系統置入這個空間,經過數位與結構精密的計算,產生出一種仿自然的韻律與美感,在這空間遊走時,沒有任何一個視角是重複的、固定的,取而代之的是一種流動與探索的空間經驗。
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  1. Light Waterfall

  2. Dining in Nature

  3. Sunny Apartment

  4. Homeland

  5. Sanctuaire

  6. Turning

  7. Tetraforest

  8. Floral Pavilion

  9. House in Nakagawa

  10. Dream Lab

  11. Complex library

  12. Zhonghai Office

  13. Zhongnan Mansion

  14. Lotus Art Square

  15. Sky City

  16. Boundless

  17. En Plein Ciel 2

  18. Jacobs

  19. Teppanyaki Himawari

  20. The Origins of Style

  21. Yuli Design Studio

  22. Mua House

  23. The gaze of whitenes

  24. Chien House

  25. Extension

  26. Jurassic Museum

  27. OMG Club

  28. Scenery of Fuchun

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