


Hotel Hart Branding

Extra Form
Year 2018
Client Hotel Hart
Affiliation bdworkshop co. ltd.
Designer Clement Young
Description(English) Raw, concrete and white brick-work are of a purity to enchant and created through industrial chic and a casual, elegant decor. out of the windows, there are stunning views over the streets of the city. the hotel is a contemporary design but uniquely fresh and sophisticated and will be appreciated by visitors who are either young travellers or groovy baby-boomers. the fine hotel hart is hospitable and tasteful yet with a personal feeling, heady atmosphere and embracing flair. Our mission is to develop a branding and visual identity based on this very special interior style from the logo, name card to signage.
Description(Native) Raw, concrete and white brick-work are of a purity to enchant and created through industrial chic and a casual, elegant decor. out of the windows there are stunning views over the streets of the city. the hotel is of a contemporary design but uniquely fresh and sophisticated and will be appreciated by visitors who are either young travellers or groovy baby-boomers. the fine hotel hart is hospitable and tasteful yet with a personal feeling, heady atmosphere and embracing flair.
Website www.hotelhart.com
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  1. FULU canola oil

  2. Boksoondoga

  3. Hotel Hart Branding

  4. No Name

  5. Kitchen Tool

  6. Logo and Poster

  7. Lucky Egg


  9. Primona Brand Design

  10. Domini Veneti - wine

  11. Goutmet gift package

  12. P+

  13. China Food Expo

  14. Liqueur"Black Milk"

  15. LA Marathon Rebrand

  16. Masaccio Furniture Art LOGO Design

  17. Selaguard

  18. Easycheck Medication

  19. ichiei Branding


  21. Alchemy

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