Country | Taiwan |
Year | 2019 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | personal |
Affiliation | 和和設計 HOHO DESIGN |
Designer | 簡嘉儀 K CHIEN |
Description(English) | The refined precision of the grey-scale color scheme reveals the gradual strata of shades in the ordered space. The full and partial conditions of sunlight render the grey colors into vivid clarity. The colors of dark metal, wooden surface, golden brown, cool glasses, and planted greenery permeate the space between the ceiling and the floor. The induced brightness light up the appropriate niches of each constituent in the grey non-dimensional space. Along with the point, line, and surface of the interior room, the overall setting follows the movements of light that awaken even the darkest corner. |
Description(Native) | 指向空間設計中最精微的軸度、維度,在攏進居室裡的行居起臥蹋坐眾行為之時,都成了無終無始的循環。先有了界定,而後被消彌,因而,居室是一個活的無度空間。轉折,停頓,段落,作為空間的分割,直橫線條曲張展闊,推拉起層層的介質;每面牆桓,序以陣列,穿插以鏤空鐵製櫃體與半透明玻璃活動拉門,讓牆既為整體空間的主切割面同時也被微分化,輕盈化。家具則是隨起居行為擺渡的驛站;出玄關,餐桌與廚房密連,對應於懸吊展示櫃的位置,視線可穿透鏤空櫃體,拉遠直至書房。轉進客廳空間,始敞朗明亮,電視主牆以聽瀑紋路石延續玄關與廚房間的面材,由直轉橫的面,感知立面深淺,將空間帶進了立體維度,對應沙發背牆的手工刷紋牆面,熠熠相連,接應起空間的主色調:灰階。 將黑灰白色系精微調至毫米刻度,以致於空間在有秩序的色度中,展現漸層式的韻染,而當陽光灑來,強或弱,色階更為澄澈紛然。在此之間,深黑鐵件、木皮色,金色,玻璃冷色,畫作,綠色植栽的點綴,漫佈,讓展開的天地壁,灰白無度的空間裡,增加了輕快的引點,靜優而璀燦如璧,各適其所。 點線面之間,讓渡光線以入室,格局配置依著光而行,最暗角落亦能被光喚醒,材質處理上亦是源自於光的行進節奏,例如:懸吊的展示櫃與低牆,及白色底檯面的配置,將牆與框的量體關係作出唯美比例,透過光與影交錯變化,將物質量體輕柔化為視覺藝術的精神向度。和室配置在狹長形書房旁,沙發背牆後(兩側鏤空),及走道之間,是個半敞開的空間,特別設置活動折門,讓走道與和室融為一體,淡化走道空間增加活潑性。 |
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Positive Comments |
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Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin