

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Union Atelier Inc.
Designer Min Han Lin
Description(English) The conversation is a two-way exchange, we both speak and listen. Considering the need for partitioning five counseling rooms, we aimed to preserve the spaciousness and privacy of each counseling room while maintaining freedom of movement. We created a linear waiting area and large glass partitions to visually extend the space and increase the feeling of spaciousness in the central area. The warm and harmonious color scheme highlights the smooth interaction between people. Textured material creates a delicate sense of warmth and while the bubble glass wall lamp reflect dynamic motion and enhance the interaction between people and space.
Description(Native) 交談為互相的,是訴說也是傾聽,如同沈浸於溫暖色調的氛圍,讓身心靈與空間自然對話。考量到案件在既有坪數內需要隔出五間諮商室的需求,因次設計上也著重於保有每間諮商室的寬敞感與隱密性的同時,動線仍必須維持一定的自由度。配置了位於入口處的線型等候區,利用條狀的光源讓視覺上能夠自然的創造出寬敞延伸感,更能藉此隔出中央的區域空間,在過道的設計上增加了大面積的玻璃隔間,讓內外多了一點模糊曖昧區分,也能瞬間打破壅擠壓迫的廊道感受。 風格定調上以溫潤和諧的色調去呼應人與人之間圓融的主軸,自然木紋肌理與帶有手感的塗料疊加,交錯著編織地毯及帶有麻質觸感的壁紙,讓整體空間擁有著細膩的溫度,玄關上的階梯圓形光頂及圓弧的轉折細節處理上,更能溫潤的呼應到圓融主軸,利用氣泡玻璃的指示燈,以固定的光源折射出具有動感的效果,為整體增添了一絲人與空間互動。
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  1. Nature Charisma

  2. Gentle Grey

  3. Purity

  4. family heirloom

  5. Netscape

  6. Guigang Hoyo Banquet

  7. W Branch of Shanghai Parade

  8. project NC

  9. Ink Impression



  12. Victory Chapel

  13. NGH Kikkei

  14. Su Listen Counseling Clinic

  15. Distinction

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