


project NC

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Country China Hong Kong
Year 2023
Affiliation zinc studio
Designer Shin Ng, Heather Ng
Description(English) Black, being the apartment’s dominant color, when used skillfully, carries a great deal of nuances. It tells a poetic story through the details of the designed furniture. One of these nuances are expressed through the matte finish that we have in the kitchen cabinet, as well as the dining chairs and chandeliers made with black steel. As the daylight shines through the apartment, these materials create different shades of black and different degrees of glossiness, without any boring repetition. it then extends further to the stripes-decorated TV wall, exuding a kind of freshness and unique taste.
Description(Native) 黯, 黑是一室的主要用色,深沉卻不一定嚴肅或乏味。由黢黑磨砂櫃組整理出工整的廚區,配搭富線條感的黑鐵餐椅及吊燈,建構出層層疊加而不重複的墨黑。 用色黯淡,卻不一定無光,由黑從廚區延伸至客廳的電視牆身,以條子作為紋飾,當窗外光線折射入室,黑時而油亮、時而啞實。窗外碧海的波光粼粼,相依互通、連接自然。 與其跟隨室內空間的原則間隔,果斷把一切歸零,並適度留白。其一,客廳與書房空間,以清玻璃作為間隔讓光線穿透空間,整理相通又分隔空間。其二,以趟門劃分出睡房與衣帽間,門廊上的條子玻璃為兩者帶來矇矓,光線流轉。同在一室,起居生活朝夕相對,彼此相依時也能享受偶然不一樣的節奏,在黢黑空間中追求的理想之家。
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