


Post Morden Life

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Country China Hong Kong
Year 2023
Affiliation City University of Hong Kong
Designer Lo Yan Laam
Description(English) The three potted planting sets provided by "Postmodern Life" not only can only green the home but also can be eaten after the crops are harvested, killing two birds with one stone. And the simple way of planting is also suitable for enjoying planting fun with the family, making it the best choice for home entertainment during COVID. The design includes packaging, paper pots, planting instructions, seed paper and planting calendars. Included are the Cherry Tomato, Yellow Bell Pepper and Capricornis set.
Description(Native) 「後現代生活」所提供的三款種植盆栽套裝不但只能綠化家居,同時作物收成後可供食用,我們希望透過種植,讓每天被困在家裡的都市人放鬆生活,在疫情下減少在家的鬱悶感。設計中包括包裝、紙盆栽、種植說明書、種子紙及種植日曆。當中包括櫻桃番茄、黃彩椒和燈籠果套裝。用家可以按照喜好,種植不同的小型盆栽。選用這3款品種的原因是為了迎合香港家居的居住面積。現時香港居住環境越來越少,難以種植大型植物,而櫻桃番茄、黃彩椒和燈籠果這3款植物的種植大小不多於30釐米高,很適合細小的居住環境。包裝採用一體成形的設計,減少浪費之餘,對於盆栽新手來說也十分便利。同時,包裝設計採用0塑膠,希望減少環境污染,希望「後現代生活」能為用家提供愉快的種植體驗。
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