



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation TING YU Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Wang Cheng Feng
Description(English) The design core focuses on the spiritual feeling of entering the house, hence we use wood to represent the preservation of the past and metal to represent the creation of the future. In order to integrate past memories into the house, the designer combined two different materials to create grille, placed in the entrance, and functionally defined the space. In order to preserve future memories into the house, the designer integrated the dining room, living room and family room to form an open area. A large amount of wood color and white is used throughout the house; therefore, the family can feel joy of soul when they entering the residence.
Description(Native) 過去、現在、未來,時間撼動著某些記憶,兒時的竹林嬉戲、現今的含飴弄孫,住宅不需要繁複的表現,而是透過生活中一點一滴構築的回憶,讓居所承載著一家人共同的故事。因此本案設計初衷著墨於進入屋內的心靈感受,我們保留過去、創造未來,以細膩的手法交織出平凡的幸福。為了使童年回憶融入居所,設計師利用金屬與木頭異材質的搭配打造格柵,置於玄關,同時在機能上也是界定空間的屏風。風聲、海聲、孫兒們的歡聲笑語,迴盪在整個藉由開放式餐廳、客廳和起居室所形成的公領域。為了使未來美好留存居所,設計師整合餐廳、客廳和起居室,形成開闊的公領域,從2人時光乃至多人親友,都能在石材中島結合木頭餐桌的餐廳用餐。客廳空間呈現舒適簡單的氛圍、而移除原有空間格局改造成的起居室,架高地板、設置滑門軌道,必要時也能成為一座單獨包廂;窗邊規劃臥榻、內縮臥榻的下緣,讓人能或坐或臥,同時放腳處能夠自在且不受牽絆、輕鬆愜意地閱讀聊天,是一家人團聚盡享天倫之樂的空間。全室使用大量原木色與白色,使屋主走入居所便能感受空間的每一寸記憶基因,滿足心靈的愉悅。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design was highly regarded for blending past and future through materials. Wood represents preservation, and metal symbolizes creation, creating a harmonious entry grille. Integrating dining, living, and family rooms into an open area with wood and white tones promotes a joyful and spiritually uplifting atmosphere, skillfully balancing memory and modernity.
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