



Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Client NOC Coffee Co., Ltd.
Affiliation AS Design Service Co., Ltd.
Designer Sam Sum
Description(English) Sustainability was a keywords in the design, incorporating environmental concepts that emphasize the use of recycled and regenerated materials to showcase the art of green living and make a contribution to sustainable development. The seats in the venue are adorned with grey-toned terrazzo with white stones made from crushed and recycled ceramic coffee cup fragments mixed with terrazzo. The cement board with bamboo pattern is regenerated from pulverized powder of building waste from different dismantled buildings. The use of thin bamboo laminate instead of wood laminate is a nod to the rapid growth cycle of bamboo compared to that of trees.
Description(Native) 可持續性是設計中的一個關鍵考慮因素,強調結合使用回收和再生材料的環境概念來展示綠色生活的藝術並為可持續發展做出貢獻。位於全場座位配上灰色調水磨石作為枯山水之小石裝飾,若細心觀察,將察覺其中白色石粒非一般傳統白色石粒,而是一些打碎再回收的白色陶瓷咖啡杯碎塊合成的水磨石。嶄新水泥竹模板亦是從不同拆卸的建築固廢磨碎粉末再生而成,展現高度環保意識。以輕型竹皮取代木皮,因竹生長速度遠勝一般樹木,降低植物資源的消耗。全場座位以日式庭園風格為藍本,人們安靜地坐箸其間,可遠觀內園多角度美景,不同位置皆有獨特風光,當和暖太陽透過玻璃幕牆照灑落室內時,詩情畫意之園林景致令人神往,為時尚與悠然的完美結合,讓人讚歎不已。
Website www.as-hk.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design excels in sustainability, utilizing recycled materials like terrazzo from ceramic fragments and cement boards from building waste. Bamboo laminate further emphasizes rapid renewability, creating an eco-friendly and impactful space.
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