

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Description(English) The ceiling at the entrance has a beam of light extending all the way to the living room, symbolizing the irreversible and continuous flow of time. On the right side of the TV wall, the hard hexagonal floor tiles contrast sharply with the soft curved floor tiles on the left, as if the stones have been softened by the baptism of the family center, like seawater erosion. As you move through the space, you'll see scattered golden linear designs that appear from time to time like surprises in life, adding richness to it.
Description(Native) 入口的天花板有一條光線一路延伸到客廳,象徵著時間是不可逆且流動的. 電視牆右側堅硬的六角地面磁磚,與左側柔軟的弧形地面磁磚,形成強烈的對比, 如同經過家庭中心的洗禮,無論任何的堅硬石頭都會像是海水沖刷後變得柔軟流順. 走動在空間中,會看到散佈在空間當中的金色條狀設計, 如同生活的過程當中會不時地出現驚喜,來增加生活的豐富. 從每一個空間的角度都可以看到光線的流動,因此不論在何時或任何空間,都可以提醒自己要以心靈為主,讓每一個在這空間當中的人,都能夠隨時放鬆,拋開生活中許多繁雜的事物. 不論任何的使用這到這個空間,都不會有任何排斥性,並且都會被空間的純潔吸引,因此不論時間如何的變動,這樣的空間都是可以持續的替所有人服務.
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design received high marks for its symbolic use of light and materials. The beam of light extending from the entrance to the living room represents the continuous flow of time, while the contrasting floor tiles reflect the balance between hardness and softness, reminiscent of natural erosion. The scattered golden linear designs add unexpected richness, enhancing the overall aesthetic.
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