


Luci Atelier

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Reason Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Fiona Chiu
Description(English) Expression of light is compulsory in living scenarios. This project explores daylight and lighting, with fixtures and circulation as the planning priorities, probing into the existence and interaction between light and living spaces. Employing minimalism, spatial forms reduce the necessity for decoration. Various lighting fixtures are used to entirely open up shared spaces, bringing living areas closer to outdoor environments, fostering a dynamic relationship with nature and the coexistence of light. Flexible decorative arrangements allow the space to showcase different appearances shifted by the seasons and preferences.
Description(Native) 光是動態、流動,且感性的,光能喚起人類內在聲音、影響情緒,又是使萬物皆被窺見的根本條件,因此光的使用與表現方式,在居住行為中是重要的,本案設計探究自然光及室內照明,以燈具與動線為規劃先決,思考光在居住與場域之間的存在與互動關係,全室內以極簡的空間形式,降低裝飾性的必要,佐以各種照明與燈款,將動態場域全然敞開,使居住貼近窗外環境、與自然共生,領略光的共存。 移除原始玄關旁的預備房隔間牆,並將公私領域分明地依牆線劃分,為客餐廳空間保留完整的自由平面,使動線開放且靈活。弱化主牆的裝飾性,僅以大面積的雞翅木木皮,將生活所需的基礎收納整合於隱藏門裡,平鋪不綴飾地表現形式,營造貼近自然的質感溫度。早上的居住視線可直接延伸至露臺與室外景致,感受開闊舒心的生活場域;而當日光隨時間漸弱,各個角落的燈飾逐一提供相對應的光照與情調,天花則以最少量的Flos LED崁燈照明數量,賦予空間充足並均勻的室內光源。 跳脫空間過往的裝飾性造型思維,全室以低彩度的灰、綠色調鋪底,塗料、鏡面、櫃體…等多種材質面,經線段整合、細膩且分明地相互交織,讓感受力定睛在軟裝、傢俱與燈飾…等細節,彈性的裝飾擺設,讓空間得以隨四季及節慶喜好呈現不同的樣貌,時而新穎,時而復古,這也是空間永續環保的一環。
Website reasondesign.com.tw
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design excels by integrating light and space, fostering a dynamic interplay between natural and artificial illumination. The minimalist approach eliminates unnecessary decoration, creating a living environment that harmonizes with nature and user preferences.
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