


resident MY

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Designer Wu Tai En, Hsieh Tung
Description(English) By seamlessly integrating the dining and kitchen zones, a flowing and functional communal space has been fashioned, optimizing both spatial efficiency & traffic flow. Infusing a blend of soft, refined aesthetics with the practical necessities to fulfill the need of a live streaming environment, the design employs warm grey and white hues to establish a unified and welcoming ambiance. Throughout the interior, fluid lines and geometric accents lend visual intrigue while ensuring smooth transitions between spaces. The outcome is a cozy yet visually expansive domicile that reflects both the vibrancy of online life and the host true personality.
Description(Native) 設計上融合柔美、俐落風格喜好與直播主的工作需求,以灰調暖白色系鋪陳純粹基底,流線勾勒了出圓融與原則並存之二元世界觀,詮釋即便置身網絡世界的繽紛多彩,仍保有純然初心的自我意象。 玄關入門迎來曲面展延電視牆,柔化空間輪廓亦為動線引導,流暢天幕隱性劃分場域,搭載收弧、幾何等造型並進,具象化居者溫潤、無畏性格;暖系灰白打底溫潤基調,渲染全宅一體成形朗闊視覺,一牆一隅皆成最美場景。餐、廚區排油煙機克服施作難度、偕同拱形窗相映主題;階梯轉折形塑座位平台,滿足餐聚需求。主臥天幕坪頂拱形追加幾何面遮隱大樑,與仿製壁爐、隔間拱門前呼後應全案設定,無論生活抑或工作,皆使居者性格表情輕柔納入優質居家樣貌。
Website www.moodlit-studio.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design excels in creating a flowing, functional communal space by integrating dining and kitchen zones. The warm grey and white hues provide a unified, welcoming ambiance. This approach optimizes spatial efficiency, meeting practical live streaming needs while maintaining a cozy, visually expansive environment.
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